5 Ways To Relax On A Sunday

We all know that Sundays are a sure way to literally recharge for the week ahead. Rainy Sundays (like today) are perfect for binge watch...

We all know that Sundays are a sure way to literally recharge for the week ahead.
Rainy Sundays (like today) are perfect for binge watching your favorite shows or popping on a face mask.
Hello Lovelies,
Happy Sunday.
Here are 5 of my favorite ways to relax and recharge on a Sunday.

1. The Great Outdoors
i adore taking walks to get some air. throw something really comfy on and just walk.

2. A lush bath
PS; i don't have a tub at home. 
i got a weekend treat with some girlfriends, a while ago and honey, nothing beats a candle-lit bath after a hectic week. I'd definitely love to have one of these kinds soon-ish (when i've saved enough).

3. A good book
i just started reading the Fifty Shades Trilogy all over again. on rainy Sundays, this is probably one of my favorite things to do, while tucked away in the duvet, if my mother doesn't frustrate me with errands (we all know how Nigerian mothers can be).

4. Cook
As much as this seems kind of stressful, cooking is extremely relaxing for me. Definitely gives me time away from my phone and laptop.

5. Netflix and Facials
am i the only one that just 'discovered' Orange is the new black? (God, where have you been, Dami?)  i just started and its seriously fun, i pop on a face mask also.

How do you like to relax on a Sunday?
let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Love always,

Photo From Pinterest.

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  1. Such good ideas and I'm so glad I'm reading this on a Sunday (hahaha). You've really put me in the mood to have a nice bubble bath, read a book and cook something real nice for tea :)

    Keep up the good work!

    Chloe @ https://girllgonerogue.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. Thank you darling. We definitely need these tips. Enjoy your Sunday.
      Thank you so much for reading xx


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